Thursday, September 13, 2007


Definitions of cricket on the Web:
leaping insect; male makes chirping noises by rubbing the forewings together
a game played with a ball and bat by two teams of 11 players; teams take turns trying to score runs
play cricket
For more coverage of cricket, go to the . For other uses of the word cricket, see Cricket (disambiguation).
Cricket is a dart game that uses the standard 20 number dart board with the triple and double rings.
Crickets, family Gryllidae (also known as 'true crickets'), are insects related to grasshoppers and katydids (order Orthoptera). They have somewhat flattened bodies and long antennae. Crickets are known for the loud chirping noises they make by rubbing their wings over each other . Only male crickets sing as the male wings have ridges that act like a "comb and file" that produces a song that is species specific. Interestingly in 1970, Dr. William H.
Cricket is an illustrated literary magazine for children published in the United States, founded in September, 1973, by Marianne Carus, whose intent was to create "The New Yorker for children." Marianne Carus still serves as the magazine's editor-in-chief.
The Plymouth Cricket was a subcompact automobile sold by the Plymouth division of Chrysler Corporation in the US market from 1971 to 1973. The car was a captive import, being actually a re-badged version of the British Hillman Avenger. Four-door sedans and station wagons were sold.
A peaked saddle construction at the back of a chimney to prevent accumulation of snow and ice and to deflect water around the
A superimposed construction placed in a roof area to assist
"Some future observer will doubtless note what is selected for survival from among the manifold ways of the British. To hazard a prediction, I would give my vote to cricket." - John Still in The Jungle Tide (1930). It did not take many decades for John Still's forecast to be borne out. By the 1990s, cricket had become so much a part of Sri Lankan popular culture that it had become the subject of scholarly articles.
is a bat and ball team game with elaborate laws and traditions, certainly played in England before the end of the sixteenth century and now popular throughout the
is a team game played between two teams of eleven players each. It originated in its modern form in England, and is popular mainly in the countries of the Commonwealth. In the countries of South Asia, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, cricket is by far the most popular participatory and spectator sport. Cricket is a major sport in places such as England and Wales, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Zimbabwe and the English-speaking Caribbean (called the West Indies)
Drainage-diverting roof framing. Generally found on the high sloped end of a
A subsidiary peaked roof, similar to a dormer, behind a chimney or other obstruction in the main roof, where it serves to prevent water from backing up behind
A low
an elevated roof substrate or structure, constructed to divert water around a chimney, curb, away from a wall, expansion joint, or other projection/penetration. (See Saddle.)
A relatively small elevated area of a roof constructed to divert water out of a dead or flat valley or around other
a small peaked saddle constructed on the top of the basic roof and behind the chimney. A cricket is generally not
A small roof structure of single or double slope placed at the junction of larger surfaces that meet at an angle for the purpose of diverting
A cast iron trivet for a smoothing iron that was used for ironing
A small gable like projection from a slanted roof used shed water away from a projection coming up through the roof. See also
A saddle-shaped, peaked construction connecting a sloping roof plane with a chimney. Designed to encourage water drainage away from the chimney joint.

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